
Chilcot Report Damns Blair

I marched with 20,000 others in Glasgow on the eve of the Iraq invasion and occupation. More than a million marched across Europe. By a co-incidence on the day (the march ended with speeches at SECC car park) Scottish Labour were holding their conference, attended by Tony Blair, at the SECC. From where I was standing I could see a line of armed police stopping anyone from the march from approaching the building. I counted 22 policemen armed with sub-machine guns in Glasgow, yes Glasgow, lined round the walls of the Conference Centre. It was a dystopian augur of the shape of things to come in the UK. Securocrat Britain, Blair-style. The UK has never recovered from the Iraq debacle. The descent into a US-satrap state, surveillance, war on terror 'pundits' on the airwaves. At least the UK fate is nothing against that of countless Iraqi civilians and families. Their suffering is actually unfathomable. Hopefully now we are seeing the Blair legacy buried with a third class funeral. LINK

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