
Gordon Brown Threatened To Smash Murdoch Empire in 2009

In the article, headlined "Inside story of Murdoch's special relationship with our politicians", an aide was quoted as saying that Brown, when still at No 10, had warned Murdoch during a telephone call in late 2009 "that he would smash the tycoon's media empire if Labour won last year's general election" and that he "told Rupert he had made his choice politically and … 'you had better win the election or we are coming after you' – or words to that effect". This was after the Murdoch-owned Sun had ditched Labour and endorsed David Cameron. Full details here.
Some retrospective thoughts about Brown. His slide into ridiculous incompetence and paranoia probably started with his fake smile phase like this and this. As someone said, when Gordon Brown smiles, a fairy dies. His absurd gurning in the clips was an indicator of someone who had little grasp of how he was perceived by others. Why otherwise would have have gone through with such toe-curling behaviour. Thinking back, in the circumstances surrounding his character and lamentable shortcomings, two things stick out:
1. He was not suited to public office at all and was perhaps the most flawed person ever to hold  the office of PM either elected or, as in his case, not.
2. The government by fiasco we had in the years 2007-2009 was inevitable. 

1 comment:

  1. Screaming Lord Sutch12:23 PM

    Good old Brownie
