
Another 10 years in Iraq, Mr.President?

'US officials expect violence to worsen as insurgents exploit the failure of political factions to agree on a new government after an inconclusive parliamentary election in March. This week US-backed militia leaders have said al-Qaida is attempting to make a comeback in Iraq.' - The Guardian.

Lt Gen Babaker Zebari, Iraq's senior soldier has warned that the Iraqi military might not be ready to take control for another decade. So much for Obama and the Coalition's 'strategy'. Everything they have been saying in the last 4 years (and more) has just turned to ashes. A bit like the buildings in Fallujah.


  1. Except that the buildings in Fallujah are toxic.

    On every front that the West is involved in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, they have been losing ground.
    Because they did not think of the country or its people. They thought everything could be treated as a coincidence. They did not think of the consequences [blow-back].
    Come this fall the abyss will get deeper, and deeper.
    Come the spring the whole region could pole vault into a new dimension.

  2. The abyss will deepen in direct proportion to the ratcheting up of the spin, indeed. 'Mission accomplished' seems to be the valedictory of choice for tail between the legs departures for the neocolonialists in recent times. Obama will need a very slick version of it to extract himself and his woebegone military from Iraq to say nothing of Afghanistan. Not a fig leaf left to hide behind.
