
'Fallujah More Toxic Than Hiroshima'

A British scientist says the weaponry used by the US in Fallujah in central Iraq has increased the cancer rate in the city, outpacing Japan's Hiroshima and Nagasaki. "In the case of leukemia, we found that the rate of leukemia was 38 times higher than what we expected in the population that we sampled," Chris Busby the director of Green Audit, an environmental consultancy agency. "We also had 10-fold level of childhood caner, breast cancer, and all cancer types that were in association with radiation which were found following the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, but actually these were at much higher rates and occurred at sooner after the event," he added.

"The other thing we found peculiar sex ratio change which is a sure indicator of genetic damage which was also found after Hiroshima and Nagasaki," Busby said.

"It is a serious mutation. All these findings are consistent with exposure to large amounts of Uranium," he concluded. More here


  1. This has been chatted about for some time. It is just now coming to light in some of the MSM. They will try to keep this under the sheets as long as possible. Fallujah was a mess and they knew it. I think they tried out new weaponry there also.
    Who will be held accountable for these crimes?

    No one.

  2. I posted on a number of pro-war sites at the time of Fallujah, RZ. They all denied that white phosphorous had been used. It is common knowledge now. I have lodged a freedom of information request with the UK Ministry of Defence about its use by the RAF who helped with the bombing. I am convinced they used it from evidence I have amassed from various sources. More will follow.

  3. Good for you brother.
    The Israeli's also denied they used W.P. on Gulag Gaza.
    Sama can be said about the first Iraqi invasion 91. Soldiers cam ehome sick from exposure to unidentifiable chemicals. [Hint] The were not Iraqi chemicals. :-).
