
Mission Accomplished 2 - Complaint To BBC

I submitted a formal complaint to the BBC today about remarks made by Evan Davis on the Today programme this morning on Radio 4. I expect to receive a response and will post it. Complaint below:

The comparison made by Evan Davis this morning on the Today programme of US forces in Iraq (departing) with the liberation forces in France was grotesque. At least, fortunately for the BBC, Hugh Sykes shot it to pieces on air. However, the comparison and remark was crass and tasteless in the light of the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Iraqis and the displacement of one and half million (conservative estimates in both cases). I will not be the only person to find the remark offensive and in bad taste, I believe.

1 comment:

  1. The whole criminal invasion of Iraq is offensive.
    Now they can not even tell the truth about this drawdown.
