
Mission Accomplished - This Time It's Bullshit 2

Pulling all combat troops out of Iraq? 50,000 will remain there as 'advisers'. Yeah, right. Of course, all troops are trained for combat; calling them “non-combat support personnel” is simply B.S. Obama wants to campaign for Democrats in the mid-term elections by lying about ending combat in Iraq.
More absurdly, the Fox 'News' Channel interviewed an army officer this morning by first congratulating him and his fellow soldiers for “making Iraq a safe and secure place.” Before he said this, the network announced that they could not reveal the location of the interviewer “for security reasons.” The interview took place at a location where they were completely surroundedd by ten foot high piles of sandbags. This is how Fox and the war cheerleaders spell “secure.”

1 comment:

  1. This was not a 'pull out' this was the end of the DRAWDOWN. And the peeps are falling for it. The 50K left will still be receiving combat pay. They will still be going out on patrols with Iraq's.
    We have not had 'combat troops' there for over a year. They have been garrisoned out in the desert. Not patrolling streets, or houses.
    This is a scam a sham and a disgrace to call this what it is. I am furious over this. Shillary will be in charge of this. She will also receive 7K private contractor security forces [Mercenaries] at her disposal. The Shillary Hawk will now soar higher than ever.
