
Obama's Mission Abandoned Speech Imminent

I was having a cursory look over a few newsfeeds that come into my email earlier and they carry no fewer than nineteen (yes,19) headlines along the lines  ''Obama Not To Use 'Mission Accomplished' Phrase In Speech''. Of course he's not to, because it would be very, very silly. He will use a few other mendacious ones, though. Let's see - 'Honourable service', 'Selfless Sacrifice', 'Patriotic Duty', 'Threat of Terrorists', 'Our National Security'. The usual bollocks. Here's a few headlines from the same newsfeeds I mentioned
from the last 24 hours:

- 'Thanks For The Mess'
- 'Grotesque Result'
- 'War Effort Rife With Corrupt Contractors'
- 'Iraq On Highest Alert For Terror Attacks'
- 'Every Corner of Iraq Is Frightened'
- 'Butcher of Baghdad Returns Amid Turmoil'
- 'Iraqis Count The Cost'

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