
Pasha Biden Arrives For Historic Day In Iraq

It is very significant that Vice President Biden should be in Iraq (in the Green Zone, naturally) for today’s historic speech by President Obama heralding a hundred years of peace and prosperity as the result of 7 years of US occupation. Children in Iraq now (well, those who make it to adulthood) will one day speak of the day they remember ‘Al Pasha Biden’, the great tribal leader and warlord from the West, coming to their humble land. His visit, and Obama’s speech, will be remembered as a watershed in history coming as they do just in time for the half-term US senate elections.                Stop Press:
1. 50,000 American troops remain in Iraq although their job-descriptions are being re-worded.
2. According to the New York Times (a war-sheet) today, 20,000 dead Iraqis remain unidentified at Baghdad morgue alone.

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