
Tony Blair - A Journey

Blair's book was published today to almost universal execration. Hard to know where to start or finish. Here's a few of my own thoughts:
- The pic on the cover: aren't police mugshots supposed to have a profile shot of the suspect as well?

- 'I didn't understand it and shouldn't have supported it' - not Blair on Iraq or neoconservatism, but Blair on foxhunting.

- 'I didn't foresee the disaster which followed the invasion...' I did.

- 'Gordon Brown was always going to be a disaster as PM.' Not what you said during the election. You were either lying then or lying now.

- Blair is being hired privately by Ariel Sharon as a motivational speaker. No comment needed.

- he is devoting "a large part of the life left to me" to Middle East peace and interfaith reconciliation with the Muslim world.- A bit like a crocodile offering you dentistry lessons after having bitten your arm off.

- He mentions "a son-in-law" of Saddam Hussein who fell out with the dictator in 1996, fled abroad, exposed the Iraqi government's interest in developing weapons of mass destruction, and then went back to Iraq, where he was shot dead. Actually, there were two sons-in-law, not one, who defected and then returned and were murdered. A good indicator of his attention to accuracy.

- Regrets? I've had few, but then again……. Only the FOI Act and the foxhunting ban were cited by Blair as regrets. About the only 2 decent things New £abour delivered.


  1. They all got away with it.
    Their lives, their monies, their fame, their royalties continue.
    All at the expense of the innocent.
    Small crime does not pay.
    Big crimes pay big time.

  2. B£air in particular is rolling in the profits of his cynicism. Nobody in Britain is buying his story as far as I can see. His book is now on sale at half price. The wallies who bought it full price yesterday (all four of them0 are Blair's latest victims.

    Love the pound in Blair.

    I reposted the last post. I did not like the layout. Do not want you to think I erased your comment on purpose.
