
Prescott at The Chilcott Inquiry

I didn't see it but I understand that John Prescott testified that he was doubtful about the proposed Iraq invasion due to 'limited intelligence'. Confirms what we all already knew.


  1. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-10905562

  2. Yes, RZ. Big news over here and he is absolutely right in my opinion. O'Brien is a very conservative cleric and his opinion here is uncharacteristically outspoken. The Megrahi affair is a bit of a drama queen strop by US politicians to most people over here. It is more about mid-term re-election for most of the protagonists from the US Senate than any issue of principle. The overwhelming opinion in Scotland and probably in the UK generally is that the Senators can go to hell. It wasn't only Americans who died in the atrocity.

  3. I agree.
    Good to see you back. Hope you had a good rest.
