
'The War Is Over' - Obama

 Obama To Bullshit Address The World on 31 August. Countdown begins TODAY.


  1. IMO this is now completely out of his hands. I am not saying that it ever was in his hands. But now Obama is the true messenger for the State Dept. [Shillary] and the Pentagon [Patreus]. Obama is in a lose lose situation. At home, politically, and abroad. He has no where to hide. IF,IF, IF, he pulls the economy out he has a chance to get 4 more years. IMO he was brought in fully knowing that he would be a one termer. He was the Manchurian Candidate.

  2. American taxpayers have spent more than $700 billion to bring about a situation for Iraqis where drinking water is scarce, health care and education are inadequate, electricity is available only for a few hours a day and petrol often runs out. And inevitably this lack of services has crippled the economy. Manufacturers cannot survive without power; this condemns the non-oil private sector to the margins of society. entrepreneurs. Half the Iraqi workforce is still without a full-time job. The Iraqi government is barely able to collect taxes and spending is financed almost entirely from oil money. Chaos is the word.

  3. This is, and has been the Imperial agenda all along.
    I call it creative destruction through chaos.
    It goes back to my comment about Paul Bremer. Their goal was to make Iraq, and now Afghanistan and Pakistan failed states.
    Have you read the book. [Confessions Of An Economic Hit Man]? I not you can get a quick jest of it on Amazon.com along with the comments.

    The military has gone in as agents for the International Bankster Cartels. [Think Rothschild]. Along with the Globalized Corps.
    The aftermath is the the IMF, WORLD BANK, and others come in to sweep up what is left. It has been a proven mechanism for them for decades.
    They invade for the purpose of destruction, so that they can rebuild in their own image.
    China, and Russia are putting a kink into the plans now.
    Check my post on China from today. The link is in pdf form. GREAT INFO. Along with Pepe Escobar's post Red Alert.

  4. Will check it out, RZ.
