
Americans Are Mad

Americans, as the whole world knows, are mad. They're mad about the economy,  mad about high unemployment and a recession that feels like it will never end. They're mad at Wall Street, which got the country into the mess. They're mad at government, which, for all the colossal deficits it has run up, can't get them out of the mess. They're mad at big business for exporting jobs to China, at China which cheats so blatantly on its exchange rate, at unions that can't deliver for the workers, at the media who tell everything like it isn't.
And they're mad at the guy in the White House who appears to feel nobody's pain. Isn't he a Muslim, and probably not even a native-born American at all? Finally, and most relevant to the upcoming election, they're mad at their Congress and all those who sit and squabble there. And since there are more Democrats than Republicans on Capitol Hill, the Democrats stand to suffer the most.
But at this point, if you believe a poll by The New York Times just 24 hours after the teabagger for Jesus, Christine O'Donnell swept all before her, you must reach for the psychiatric manual. According to this poll, voters are fed up with Democrats. But they are even more scornful of Congressional Republicans, whose strategy for the last 18 months has consisted of the single word, "no", to everything Obama has proposed.
The survey found that voters believe that Democrats are more likely to help the middle class, have better ideas for solving problems, are more likely to create jobs, and are more likely to help small businesses. Democrats, it is further believed, have the right ideas about immigration. Yet by every measure, Democrats face a thrashing. Beats us at Lobos En La Ciudad.


  1. Rome burned.
    America is self imploding.
    The whole system here is dysfunctional.
    Any country that followed the Neocon war rhetoric, and deregulate corporations, and Banksters. Will have the same fate.

  2. There was a time when I would have regarded the prospect of Sarah being elected in America as very funny. That time ended in 2001. The world holds its breath. The horror....

  3. http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2010/09/15/tea_parties_of_the_world

    Britain's tea party

  4. Yes, I've heard all about these clowns. No shortage of teabaggers over here for sure, RZ. They fly under different flags - anti-EEC, anti immigration, anti- fill in space here....
    I find it interesting that the health debate in the US is a repeat of the debates here in the 50s over the NHS. Virulent attacks on it as communism. The conservatives wouldn't dare attack it today. The journey to that place is a long one for the US and its poorer communities I fear.
