
Annual Christmas Merchandise Offer

Cheques payable to Tony c/o the disused railway station, North Pole.The fake vet merchandise is popular because it's better to pretend to have fought 'them' over there so as not to have to pretend to not have to fight them over here. The fake Peace Laureate ones are especially appropriate in the season of peace and goodwill. Not suitable for Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Palestine, Somalia and anywhere else benefiting from Obama's peace policies.
CIA Tree Decoration

Peace and goodwill to all(ish) men
Pick Your Fake Campaign Insignia
Christmas Cold-Proofed in The Afghan Mountains


  1. The height of absurdity in this modern world is Obama winning the Nobel for peace ... any notion of reason is gone ...

  2. The drone-firing peace laureate with a kill list. Satire died right there, T.
