
David Cameron: ‘Afghanistan mission accomplished’

David Cameron: ‘Afghanistan mission accomplished’ - The Scotsman:
"Senior military figures are braced for increased activity as more troops pull out and expect elections being staged next year to be a particular focus for insurgent groups.
During a tour of Camp Bastion, Mr Cameron said Britain had more than played its part in Afghanistan. Asked by reporters if the troops come home with “mission accomplished”, he said: “Yes, I think they do. I think they can come home with their heads held high.”
The phrase “mission accomplished” became synonymous with the Iraq war after then United States president George Bush made a speech in front of a banner emblazened with the term in 2003. Violence continued in Iraq and the White House was forced it was a mistake."

1 comment:

  1. Ah, yes, yet another "declare victory and go home," debacle. I am getting weary ... am so glad you are still willing to point out the hypocrisy and the never ending trail of BS.
